How to expand archive with PowerShell?

The PowerShell 5.0 has features to support ZIP archives – Expand-Archive and Compress-Archive. They are very handy but what about performance?

During deployment we have to extract a ZIP archive, and I wrote a simple PowerShell script to measure a performance two different ways to extract ZIP archive. The first method is using native PowerShell command Expand-Archive; the second method is using ExtractToDirectory method from System.IO.Compression.Filesystem.

$measureExpand = Measure-Command {
    Expand-Archive $archivePath "$destinationFolder\TestExpand" -Force

$measureExtract = Measure-Command { 
    Add-Type -assembly System.IO.Compression.Filesystem
    [io.compression.zipfile]::ExtractToDirectory($archivePath, "$destinationFolder\TestExtract")


The results are the following for around 90MB archive (10 tries).

  • First column – ZIP archive and destination folder are on the same disk
  • Second column – ZIP archive and destination folder are on different disks
  • With antivirus software, expand archive takes around 10 – 15 minutes
ExtractToDirectory 0:46
Expand-Archive     1:45
ExtractToDirectory 0:54
Expand-Archive     2:29
ExtractToDirectory 1:04
Expand-Archive     1:57
ExtractToDirectory 1:10
Expand-Archive     1:59
ExtractToDirectory 1:05
Expand-Archive     1:55
ExtractToDirectory 1:05
Expand-Archive     1:56
ExtractToDirectory 1:01
Expand-Archive     1:53
ExtractToDirectory 0:56
Expand-Archive     2:00
ExtractToDirectory 1:01
Expand-Archive     1:59
ExtractToDirectory 1:02
Expand-Archive     1:57
ExtractToDirectory 0:12
Expand-Archive     1:20
ExtractToDirectory 0:14
Expand-Archive     1:25
ExtractToDirectory 0:13
Expand-Archive     1:28
ExtractToDirectory 0:13
Expand-Archive     1:28
ExtractToDirectory 0:13
Expand-Archive     1:28
ExtractToDirectory 0:13
Expand-Archive     1:28
ExtractToDirectory 0:13
Expand-Archive     1:28
ExtractToDirectory 0:14
Expand-Archive     1:28
ExtractToDirectory 0:14
Expand-Archive     1:25
ExtractToDirectory 0:13
Expand-Archive     1:26


  • ExtractToDirectory is much faster then Expand-Archive
  • Antivirus software kills performance – it’s obvious, but we sometimes forget about things working in a background
  • Extract from/to the same disk drive is a bad idea

How can I reproduce your test?

Here is script used by me for performance tests.

$archivePath = "C:\"
$destinationFolder = "D:\Test"
mkdir $destinationFolder -Force
for( $i = 0; $i -lt 10; $i++ )
$measureExpand = Measure-Command {
Expand-Archive $archivePath "$destinationFolder\TestExpand$i" -Force
$measureExtract = Measure-Command {
Add-Type -assembly System.IO.Compression.Filesystem
[io.compression.zipfile]::ExtractToDirectory($archivePath, "$destinationFolder\TestExtract$i")
Write-Host "Measure archive extraction $((Get-Item $archivePath).length/1MB) MB" -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host "ExtractToDirectory $($measureExtract.Minutes):$($measureExtract.Seconds)"
Write-Host "Expand-Archive $($measureExpand.Minutes):$($measureExpand.Seconds)"
rmdir $destinationFolder -Force -Recurse

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